Taika Waititi enjoys trolling MCU fans about Thor theory

 Love and Thor's director, Taika Waititi, admits that he enjoys fooling MCU fans  about the theory of the Thor franchise.

Taika Waititi says he enjoys fooling fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe about Thor theory. After directing Thor: Ragnarok in 2017, Taika Waititi is in charge of Thor: Love and Thunder in July. He has high expectations for this film, as Taika Waititi is widely acknowledged to have revived Thor's franchise through his third film. Ragnarok captures the story of the protagonist more irreverently, and based on Love & Thunder trailers and other footage, the new movie aims to do the same.

However, Waititi and movie stars are careful not to leak important plot points. On his side, Waititi  hyped Thor: Love and Thunder's romance, stating that the film hasn't moved away from this genre. He also wanted to talk a lot about Natalie Portman's role as Jane Foster / Thor and  give her more to do after her first two Thor films. .. Waititi also teased Thor's state of mind with Love and Thor, saying he was essentially experiencing a midlife crisis.


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 Overall, Waititi is clear that the audience is looking forward to seeing the next movie. Still, he seems compelled to trol her a little. In a late show interview  with Stephen Colbert, Waititi was asked if he would indulge in fan theory. There are many fans in fan theory. Read Waititi's answer below:

I like to listen to the fans, and then I like to troll the fans back a bit because it just brings me some little bit of joy, just a little bit. I don't have many joys in my life—I've got my kids and trolling fans. When I did Ragnarok, there were a few people who didn't know what I did and what I had done before, and they said 'He's going to ruin Thor,' and I would write back, 'Oh, I'm going to ruin it all right. Oh 100%, I'm going to ruin it for you.' And then I'd say things like, 'You don't know what you want until I give it to you' and stuff like that. I know it's rude, it's rude. But it's true.

Waititi sounds like a joking, but at least in part, he's been fooled online by Thor's fans in the past. The audience in superhero movies is a passionate group that sometimes takes things too seriously, but Waititi is always good at making fun of them without ridicule. This sensibility is transmitted in Thor: Ragnarok. Here, the famous hero is often the butt of a joke, but instead of looking stupid, it makes him more adorable.

Given the popularity of the movie, which is considered one of the most powerful MCU products to date, it's interesting to hear that some fans thought Waititi had "ruined" the franchise in doing so. Instead, the exact opposite happened. Thor: Ragnarok's success has directly led to Thor becoming the first avenger to receive four solo films.  Thor: Love & Thunder's release date is rapidly approaching, and the new fan theory is the best ever. It will be interesting to see which one will bear fruit when the movie debuts in July.

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