Let’s Talk about Moon Knight Episode 1-6

 Everything is connected to this moment of Moon Knight. I met two men of  the same body. 

 They had an adventure with their confused wife. Her wife has just learned that she is her spiritual bigamy. 

 They fought the Egyptian gods Pantheon and found that one was exhausted because it turned into ashes ... although the other was pretty well. 

Source: Marvel Studios

 Oh, and they have fought cults where deadly missions are likely to succeed. There were many. 

 Now you're ready to talk about filling in the remaining blanks in Moon Knight Episodes 1-6.

E01 · The Goldfish Problem

E02 · Summon the Suit

E03 · The Friendly Type

E04 · The Tomb

E05 · Asylum

E06 · Gods and Monsters

A New Avatar

Source: Marvel Studios

Welcome to The Good Place, Mark Specter! Balanced the scale and got an eternal home in Leadfield! Of course, your lifelong guardian, Stephen Grant, has been turned into a stone in Duat, and there is no such comfortable afterlife. 

 Also, cultists are willing to kill half of the planet. Therefore, this mission cannot be stopped altogether! Fully sign. All you can do is make a phone call, and that's how the end of your story begins. 

Source: Marvel Studios

 First, I see Arthur Harlow claiming his Ammit character and preparing to bring it back to life. In the background, Layla El Foley ambushes the cultists and picks up their costumes, allowing her to pretend to be one of them.  She rides with World Enders. That's why your elders warned you not to hitchhiking. You never know when that person may revive the exiled Egyptian god. The story of 
 Leila gets excited when the military security team stops the cult convoy. Hello raises the crocodile wand of chaos and commands them. 

 Not surprisingly, virtually all military personnel fail the Ammit value test. As a result, the security checkpoint crew screams and dies. Meanwhile, Leila is ready to attack as her corpse speaks to her. Yes, that's strange. 

Source: Marvel Studios

 Goddess Taweret tries to discourage Leila from her reckless actions. She claims that Mark wants  to wait for him to "revive." Taweret also proposes to make Leila her avatar. But Leila is terribly thinking about trading Avatar with God as a whole. 

 She learns that by finding a figurine of Cons, she can bring Mark back. That is her side quest.

Khonshu and the Gator

Source: Marvel Studios

As expected and expected,  other avatars understand what Hello is doing about 10 minutes later, which is too late to stop them. He kills almost everyone. 

 Conveniently, one of them lives long enough to tell Leila how to stop her. Yes, Moon Knight has proven to be a much more cliché than the previous MCU series. 

 However, Ammit wakes up from her sleep in appreciation of the man who brought her back. Hello is particularly humble and has no demands on his goddess. For her, she has a crocodile head and a desire for revenge. 

Source: Marvel Studios

 He keeps telling her that he's not worth it, but he offers to find  a student with a balanced scale. She doesn't have it. She is in  Team Hello. Great, cult leaders get more power. 

 Meanwhile, Leila brings Cons back to life. He soon realizes that Specter is dead and gives Leila the appearance of Moon Knight. She ... flatly refuses. Leila doesn't really  respect the title of Avatar. I think she's getting closer to  a cultist. However, 
 Harrow recognizes that the cons has risen. Therefore, Leila and her enemies are at risk.

The Good Place

Source: Marvel Studios

Now we go to paradise where Taweret tells Specter to "enjoy your peace". Then, after some thought, he decided to return to  Duat with Stephen. 

 Taweret tries to talk about him, but the man returns to the Health Cape. Now he's back to Cons, who is discussing ethics with Ammit, but he doesn't seem to be very productive. After all, they fight. fool. 

Source: Marvel Studios

 Specter finds his stone twins and begins to solidify before the gods resolve their dispute. They will soon be together forever. But Mark just keeps talking. Finally, he finally says the magic word by revealing that Stephen is "the only real superpower I have ever had." The magic gate opens and both types change from stone to flesh. No, friendship and personal growth! Unfortunately, their shared enlightenment ... causes a sandstorm for a reason.

A Living Spector

                                   Source: Marvel Studios
So they can't reach the gate without help. Here, Deus ex machina  is the actual Deus ex machina. Taweret's sandosippu arrives, learns about the sand, and allows men to return to the land they live in.
 You see, this doesn't have to make  sense as long as you have a great sandosippu action sequence.
 However, so far it has one of the best lines on the MCU. Stephen notices the incoming ship and simply shouts "HIPPO !!!".

Source: Marvel Studios

Specter and Stephen take this opportunity to renegotiate the terms with Cons. They receive a promise of  freedom. 
 Then return to the temple where Leila is in danger. At this point, Taweret communicates through another corpse, providing the appearance of the avatar  again. Leila thinks again because there is no more choice in the 
 table. No one says the name, but this superhero is  Scarlet Scallab, an ambiguous cartoon character.

Night Fight

Source: Marvel Studios

There are few plots this week and lots of action. finally. With every piece on the board, the show ends straight. Ammit cultists "judgment everyone" to make more souls the property of their masters. She is a growing crocodile.
 Meanwhile, Herrow meets Super Layla for the first time. She vaguely looks  like Wonder Woman 1984 and has a gold outfit and wings. Hello also encounters Double Moon Knight and quickly learns that they are good duos. 

Source: Marvel Studios

Source: Marvel Studios

 Perhaps the best moments of battle occur when Marvel emphasizes the importance of expression. Leyla rescues a little girl from the bus. Confused, she asks if Leyla is an Egyptian superhero. After she thinks for a while, she proudly says so. 

 This is the best part of the episode, except for hippo jokes, at least with the exception of pre-credits. Meanwhile, Cons and Ammit continue to discuss right and wrong. She sees them as having the same purpose, but just doesn't wait for the crime to happen before penalizing them. 

Source: Marvel Studios

 Yes, this whole story falls into two different assessments: human duality and the importance of individual choice. It is correct to point out that my wife has about the same goal as Thanos, who  wanted to eliminate half of humans. He didn't care whether it was good  or bad.
 Returning to the land of Avatar, something unexpected happens during a serious battle with Harrow.  Harrow is at a disadvantage to Specter and is likely to kill him. Then, as in the previous episode, there will be a power outage. 

When the Specter regained control, he  violently disabled the halo with the Moonblade in a horrifying way. Yes, there is another personality  there.

The Aftermath

Source: Marvel Studios

The only way to defeat Ammit is to imprison her on a human ship. So obviously they chose Hello. Cons demands that his avatar then kill Hello. Stephen and Specter decline. But keep that idea. 
 "Happy End" occurs when Cons releases from the Avatar's word agreement. Then, when we return to Dr. Hello's office, we pause at the last attempt  to avoid it. Once again, Specter discusses the nature of reality. Eventually, something (his heart? Cons?) Tells him  the truth. In the case of the doctor, Hello leaves and his footprints leave a mark of blood. It feels right considering all the Egyptians he just killed. 
 Specter leaves this reality in the final comment. "We would rather  save the world. Later, the crocodile." 

Source: Marvel Studios

 At this point, we return to Stephen's bedroom, where the cycle begins again. Again, the human duality of Moon Knight remains chained to the bed for their own safety. 

 However, there are two fish in the aquarium. Also, Gemini's personality works in harmony. And that seems to be the end of the story. Until then…

The Post-Credits Reveal

Source: Marvel Studios

We cut into a facility where a new patient spills his cup.  Arthur Harlow is stunned and he is not at all unhappy. Unfortunately, a properly dressed person controls the wheelchair and rolls it out of the building. 

 During this journey, Hello notices the dead  lying neatly in his pool of  blood. The driver will accompany the stretch limousine. Inside, Hello finds Cons and informs God that he can't harm Hello or Ammit. 

 At this point, Cons introduces Hello to his "friend Jake Rockley". It's the third personality of Specter and Stephen, directly from the cartoon. Rock Lee is a heavy underworld  who does the dirty work of Moon Knight because he has all the road connections. 

Source: Marvel Studios

 In this case, his job does not need to be difficult. Lockley  points his gun at Harrow / Ammit and triggers. Yes, Cons continues to manage one of Specter's personalities and is always underwater. 
Many of these blackouts during the season were not a transformation to Stephen's Specter. Instead, the third personality took control to do  dirty things. Jack Rock Lee is a trio killer. And he continues to be fully committed to Khonshu.

 The story ends here when a limousine with a SPKTR registration leaves the facility.

Final Thoughts

Source: Marvel Studios

Overall, I have to say that I wanted to like Moon Knight more than it really is. Some stories were mediocre and predictable, even if they changed their minds from the original Batman expectations. 

 We all  expect a lot from the MCU story. In other words, I regret that the MCU stories are competing with each other. Still,  Moon Knight feels that it lacks  something specific that makes it stand out in terms of satisfying viewing by itself. 

Source: Marvel Studios

 There is a stunning award-winning performance by Oscar Isaac and Ethan Hawke. And  Taweret characters are immediately fascinated. I also  like Leila very much. Leila's story is confusing. 

 But for some reason, the total feels  less than the part. To be honest, this series needs a second season to fill  the gap and add more lasting and better storytelling. Currently, Isaac is fulfilling his contractual obligations. Still, I'm expecting more because what Rock Lee reveals feels more like a setup  than a conclusion. 

 If you want to know how Marvel announced the existence of Rock Lee, they are listed on the official website. Overall, I still give Moon Knight a B + based on Hawk and Isaac's work, but I think this is my most disliked live-action MCU show to date.

Feature Image Source: Marvel Studios

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