Every DC Extended Universe movie – ranked!

 It’s Batman v Superman v Wonder Woman v Jared Leto in the rundown of DC’s best and worst films

Jared Leto

Jared Leto as the Joker in 'Suicide Squad' Credit: Press

It's very easy to feel sorry for DC. DCEU did not start until Marvel had already started Phase 2. Also, there are only 10 movies on the 24 of the MCU, far less aware of its role in shaping the superhero's renaissance, less money and less criticism. But with less power, less responsibility, DC's less secretive weapon is the ability to do what Marvel is scared of and can't try. DCEU is less wasteful, more elastic, heavier, and  less worried about selling theme park tickets. DCEU is a cool cartoon random boots sales box based on the Disney anthology, neatly arranged in alphabetical order on the MCU. It's time to rank the first 10 DCEU movies from worst to highest as James Gunn prepares to further ruin the algorithm with weasel taunts, shark walks, and suicide squad head explosions. I did .

10. Justice League

Ben Affleck as Batman in ‘Justice League’ (2017). CREDIT: Collection Christophel / Alamy Stock Photo

The best thing about the original  Justice League cut is that no one can see it again after the director's cut  finally comes out. There are great flashes (or flashes) in some important scenes, but DC's premature attempt to make a superteam movie is one of the most expensive smut ever sold as a blockbuster. There is one. Joss Whedon was hired to take charge of post-production  after Zack Snyder resigned.
If it was a Marvel film?: It would have been Avengers Assemble.

9. Suicide Squad

Jared Leto as the Joker in ‘Suicide Squad’ (2016). CREDIT: AF archive / Alamy Stock Photo

There is good reason why #ReleaseTheAyerCut  never happens. That's because  everyone knows that it's not just the messy cuts that stink David Ayer's supervillains. In the ugly way (racism, misogyny, Jared Leto's terrible emo joker ...), give us the gift of Margot Robbie's Harley Quinn and  feel sorry for the famous Will Smith. Mostly scraped from the second place from ... landed the role of Superman for being turned down. 
 What if it was a Marvel movie? : Ultron, Agatha Harkness, Killmonger and Loki join forces under the leadership of Jeff Goldblum's Grandmaster ...? How nice.

8. Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice

Compared to Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight Trilogy, DCEU's second entry  deserved to suffer through the stand-alone movie Butt Fleck and plunge him straight into a tough duel with Man of Steel's Superman. .. Director Zack Snyder gave the film the weight of heavy metals and a rugged political baseline, but his idea of ​​treating the two biggest characters of DC as awkward and a bunch of  gods fighting prizes is long. The final showdown shined eyes-strangely, the decisive moment of endless revelation that both of their mothers were named Martha. 
 What if it was a Marvel movie? : The two Marthas now have their own spin-off show.

7. Wonder Woman 1984

wonder woman 1984
Gal Gadot in ‘Wonder Woman 1984’ (Picture: TCD/Prod.DB / Alamy Stock Photo)
Skip the latest Patty Jenkins sequel chapter and you'll find some of the best in DCEU-Pedro Pascal and Kristen Wiig appear on the screen from Indiana Jones riffs and stunning retro mall chase. Whenever you are-but everything in the meantime is a bit annoying. Signed and too long, this movie suffers from a  serious bloat. It's difficult to pine for the wisdom and warmth that diminished more than two hours ago, as the CGI cheetahs, who have swapped bodies across the rocks of the magical wishes of the sloppy finale, are clawing. 
 What if it was a Marvel movie? : Wouldn't have been released on PVOD on a rainy Wednesday in January ...

6. Zack Snyder’s Justice League

Justice League
CREDIT: Warner Bros.
After an enthusiastic fan campaign, Zack Snyder finally undone all the mistakes of the 2017 disaster with the long-awaited Redux. Critics may argue that he introduced some new bugs in an astonishing 242 minute run time, but quoting the quiz misunderstands the overall point of Snyder'cut. is. Created by fans for fans, this movie fills and refills holes in the plot, overwhelms each character, restores the movie to the epic vision of Snyder's gods and monsters, and much more. Provided the one. 
 What if it was a Marvel movie? : Disney + 10 episode series.

5. Man Of Steel

Man Of Steel
Man Of Steel (Picture: AA Film Archive / Alamy Stock Photo)
DCEU began with the movie being billed as the new Dark Knight-Christopher Nolan creates a serious, dark-looking super drama that offers something much heavier than  previous Superman movies have ever tried. Did. In many respects, Nolan's shadow (and Zack Snyder's attempt to escape from the shadow) was a success or failure for the entire DCEU, giving the first film a strange shallow and deep stream. The ending may have looked like a brawl in a toy box, but Man Of Steel made Superman cool again. 
 What if it was a Marvel movie? It will be called the Man Of Iron.

4. Birds Of Prey (And The Fantabulous Emancipation Of One Harley Quinn)

Birds Of Prey
CREDIT: Alamy'
Technically, the ensemble movie BirdsOfPrey is  about Margot Robbie's wacky nerdy Gothic Harley Quinn. A gift for tired franchises, rating boards and cosplay subcultures. It looks like it's pulled from a cartoon page more  than what DC has ever brought to the big screen. The lobby brings a sparkling shotgun to her own sinister origin of Suicide Squad, infusing the colorful chaos that is always needed in  the studio. 
 What if it was a Marvel movie? Much fewer children will have coke sniffing, face scrubs and defecation.

3. Shazam!

Shazam! – Credit: Still
What if someone updates Tom Hanks' Classic Big and turns it into a little boy who turned it into a superhero instead of a product development manager? The joy of Shazam! It comes from knowing  how much  you  loved him as a kid-a movie that fulfills the ultimate wish for fans of super teenagers. Zachary Levi is underrated as  Billy Baston overnight, and director David F. Sandberg narrows down all the fun from the premises without downplaying the super. 
 What if it was a Marvel movie? You can probably  afford Tom Hanks.

2. Aquaman

Jason Momoa Aquaman
Jason Momoa in ‘Aquaman’ (Credit: Warner Bros)
A shark rider! Octopus hitting the drum! Jason Momoa bites the head of a flower! James Wan's wacky Marman celebrations are so stupid that it's impossible  to love them, from grave raid adventures and underwater fish jokes to IMAX-sized underwater cityscapes and spectacular deep-sea battles. is. Full of visual ingenuity and bizarre ambitions, one shy and entertaining luxury that feels like at least three movies in one is made just for popcorn. 
 What if it was a Marvel movie? Get a little mermaid remake Easter egg with credits.

1. Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman 1984
Gal Gadot in ‘Wonder Woman’. Credit: Warner Bros.
A few years after Marvel struggled too hard to become everything that wasn't, DC finally decided to make a straightforward, vintage, and exciting comic film. Zack Snyder introduced  Gal Gadot's warrior princess in the sad end battle of the Dawn of Justice, but Patty Jenkins is all about the  uplifting origin story that shines with Matinee's charm on Saturday. I abandoned the darkness. Batman and Superman may be DC's biggest names, but Wonder Woman has become a true star of DCEU while  busy hitting each other in slow motion in the dark. 
 What if it was a Marvel movie? They probably didn't have a hard time making Captain Marvel .



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