MCU timeline: What order should you watch every Marvel movie and TV show?

The next phase of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, also known as Phase 4, is in full swing with a crazy multiverse thanks to the new Disney + series such as WandaVision,  Falcon & Winter Soldier, Loki, Hawkeye, and Moon Knight. A movie like Doctor Strange. 

 Marvel has several shows and feature films that will premiere in the coming years. Next up is Thor: Love and Thunder  in July. If you're wondering where this movie or the current Moon Knight Disney + series fits in, or which movie you need to watch before Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, we'll cover it. increase. Or, if you  want to refresh your memories right now as Marvel expands into the Multiverse, here's a watch guide. I've organized everything below 

 in chronological order, but  at the end of this guide there is an additional display order for those who want to spice  up. Sorry Marvel Comics Geek, this guide is only for those who want to watch  Marvel movies and TV shows in sequence.

Marvel movies in chronological order

If you want to keep track of events on your MCU, you can't watch  Marvel movies and shows in  order of release. They are not in chronological order. So here's a different order. It is ordered when the event occurs. The MCU officially kicked off at Iron Man in 2008, but it's not the first Marvel movie you should watch.  Captain America: Let's start with First Avenger. This is the fifth movie from Marvel Studios released in 2011. It begins in 1942-decades before Iron Man.
Only Marvel feature films and  new Disney + shows are shown in this major chronological order. There are some spoilers. If you want to avoid that, at the end of this guide you will find a list of all Marvel movies and TV shows. In addition to this list, I've put together others.


Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)

Captain America is the fifth movie from Marvel Studios, and Iron Man,  Hulk, and Thor all have the movie in front of the cap. However, this is the first movie on our list, as the event takes place first  during World War II. You can see the creation of the Super Soldier by Chris Evans and the first battle between Hydra and its leader, Red Skull. The film also introduces  Tesseract, which was later discovered to be the first Infinity Stone, one of the powerful gems that control reality.

Captain Marvel (2019)

The second movie on our list was a hit in the theater in 2019. Set in 1995, Captain Marvel,  the famous heroine Carol Danvers, played by Brie Larson, falls to Earth and begins hunting for transforming Skrull aliens. Thanks to the blockbuster stores and the scene featuring dial-up internet, there's as much action here as  nostalgia, especially for kids in the 90's.

Iron Man (2008)

According to Marvel's official  timeline, Iron Man is set for 2010. It's all about the genius / inventor / philanthropist / playboy Tony Stark played by Robert Downey Jr. He is captured by a terrorist organization whose leaders want the latest weapons system in Strong Design. .. But Stark designs something even more powerful to help himself escape: the first Iron Man suit.

Iron Man 2 (2010)

The second Iron Man resumes where the first Iron Man was interrupted. Tony Stark is having a hard time revealing Iron Man's identity. The government wants the technology behind his proceedings, and when Stark refuses to offer it, another weapon maker shows that they are willing to do anything to get  it. .. The movie also introduces other Avengers  Black Widow and War Machines. 

 Note: Technically, you can see the Incredible Hulk in front of Iron Man 2. Marvel said the Incredible Hulk, Iron Man 2, and Thor all happen at about the same time, but the Incredible Hulk was released a few other years ago. Confusing, we know. However, sticking to Marvel's official guide, it's a good idea to watch Iron Man 2 first for consistency.

The Incredible Hulk (2008)

The Incredible Hulk follows the Bruce Banner on a flight from General Thunderbolt Ross and the US Army. Realizing that he could never control or contain the Hulk, Ross decided to use another soldier to create his own version of the Hulk, but he soon lost control. The Incredible Hulk plays Edward Norton, but Mark Ruffalo replaced him in 2012 and has been a big Green Man ever since.

Thor (2011)

The god of lightning was banished from Asgard to Earth  by his father Odin,  thanks to Loki's cunning. To regain his power and control his hammer, Thor, drawn by Chris Hemsworth, must prove that he deserves it. Fortunately, he met a lovely geoscientist played by Natalie Portman. He can help him fix things  before Loki has complete control of Asgard.

The Avengers (2012)

The Avengers are the culmination of what is known as "Phase 1" of the MCU. After all the protagonists were introduced, the real challenge was to find something scary enough to get them to work together. 

The combination of the Tesseract Loki and the hordes of aliens invading New York City proved to be a match that made these superheroes  friends at the forefront of life.

Iron Man 3 (2013)

The third and final standalone Iron Man movie will take place in New York City six months after the Battle of New york . Tony Stark deals with  memories of the battle that took place (and almost killed him). Memories drive him to build an army of Iron Man suits, so he's always ready.

Thor: The Dark World (2013)

In the second Thor movie, the hero returns to Asgard after Loki's invasion of New York City. But when the old dark elf returns, he doesn't have much time to rest. They were once thought to be extinct after being defeated by his grandfather. They are now back and looking for Aether, a powerful weapon that  later turned out to be  one of the six powerful gems of the Infinity Stone or MCU.

Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)

Captain America has worked for the special government agency Shield since the Avengers event, but as he learns more about their plans, he finds himself questioning the organization's motives. What's more, his best friend returns from death and becomes Sebastian Stan's nemesis, the Winter Soldier. The movie also features the Falcon played by Anthony Mackie.

Guardians Of the Galaxy (2014)

Guardians of the Galaxy will star Chris Pratt as Peter Quill. Peter Quill is a rebel scavenger who encounters the Infinity Stone hidden in the ruins of an alien world. In the fight against time, he forms a ragtag group of exiles, including a speaking raccoon (spoken by Bradley Cooper), a speaking tree Groot, and more. Together, they must stop the Ronan the accuser  from wielding the Infinity Stone.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 (2017)

This sequel will be featured a few months after the original. Peter Quill falls in love with Zoe Saldaña's Gamora. And when Kurt Russell was faced with acting like a god called the ego, he was forced to confront the mysteries of the past. Part of the challenge of placing these Guardians of the Galaxy movies on the MCU timeline is that they are displayed separately and everything is done in  space.

Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)

The Avengers meet again and face a bug created by Tony Stark and Bruce Banner:  AI known as Ultron, spoken by James Spader. If there is one robot version of Ultron left, he can continue to fight the Avengers. The film also introduces the new Avengers:  Scarlet Witch (played by Elizabeth Olson), Quiksilver (played by Aaron Taylor-Johnson), and Vision (played by Paul Bettany).

Ant-Man (2015 - movie)

In Ant-Man, Paul Rudd plays the cat robbery adopted by Michael Douglas's Hank Pym and discovers Ant-Man's suit to prevent technology from becoming a weapon. Pym's former genius (played by Corey Stoll) recreates technology in the form of a yellow jacket suit. Ant-Man needs to fight him and eventually save the day on the smallest scale he can imagine.

Captain America: Civil War (2016 - movie)

Despite being a Captain America movie, Civil War features almost every Avengers and adds two heavyweights to the lineup: Chadwick Boseman's Black Panther and Tom Holland's Spider-Man. Unfortunately,  Captain America wants to save his friend Bucky Barnes, who appears to be responsible for the bombing of the UN conference, so the Avengers are divided into different factions.

Spiderman: Homecoming (2017 - movie)

Web Slinger crawling on the wall makes his solo debut here. There he faces  Michael Keaton's Vulture, whose construction site director became a black market weapons merchant after recovering his skills from the battle in New York City  in his first Avengers movie. What's more, Peter Parker has to deal with all the usual problems associated with being a freshman in high school.

Doctor Strange (2016 - movie)

Stephen Strange, played by Benedict Cumberbatch, is a world-class surgeon and he knows it. Strange things are unbearable for almost everyone who interacts with him until a tragic accident robs him of the use of his hands. Strange then travels the world in search of a cure to restore the use of his hands-and he finds the answer in the form of  ancient magic.

Black Panther (2018 - movie)

After the UN bombing in Captain America:  Civil War, T'Challa must return  to Wakanda and be declared king. Upon getting there, he faces an ongoing quarantine policy  that has helped protect Wakanda. He also faces  his father's past failures in the form of Erik Killmonger,  played by Michael B. Jordan, perhaps the best villain in the Marvel movie. 
 Note: This movie follows the  Captain America:  Civil War event, so you can watch it after the movie, but Marvel recommends watching it here.

Thor: Ragnarok (2017 - movie)

In Thor's third solo film, the protagonist is cast across space after the death of his father and the destruction of the hammer by his long-deceased sister, Hera, played by Cate Blanchett. He is stuck in a gladiator battle with the Hulk, which has not been seen since the Avengers defeated Ultron. Together, Thor and Hulk join forces with Loki and Tessa Thompson's Valkyrie to take on the spatula.

Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018)

Scott Lang is back, but after his role in the Civil War and the lookout of Captain America, he was put under house arrest. He became estranged from Hank Pym and Pym's daughter Hope. However, he reluctantly agreed to help them, and Pim thought that Hope's mother might be able to get out of the quantum realm. (Note: Please save the post-credit scene until you see Infinity War.)

Black Widow (2021)

Unfortunately, Black Widow came to an end with an endgame before it got a standalone movie. 

 Nevertheless, Black Widow is chasing Scarlett Johansson's Natasha Romanov  in her life during her asylum. Captain America: Civil War, but before Infinity War and Snap. It is set as the first part to explain the background of Black Widow. You can see some of her old friends and family as she explores her past, including her father's character played by David Harbor, known as the Red Guardian. He is basically the Soviet Union's answer to Captain America. However, most important for the future of the MCU is the arrival of another Black Widow, Florence Pugh's Jelena.     

Avengers: Infinity War (2018)

After years of tweaking things  behind the scenes  to find all the Infinity Stones, Thanos (voiced by Josh Brolin)  decided to  get them himself. Only the Avengers currently scattered in space are in the way of him. The  only reason for Thanos to seek the power of stones is to wipe out half of all life in the universe.

Avengers: Endgame (2019 - movie)

After Thanos robs half of his life and completely disrupts the universe, the Avengers must try to get things right. Five years later, it's unlikely that everything will be canceled, but before that, Captain America and Tony Stark must reconcile, and  the Avengers will finally meet again.

Loki (2021 - Disney+ TV show)

Trying to understand where Loki stands in the MCU is a mind-boggling activity.
 The show goes back and forth between the 79 AD eruption of Mount Vesuvius  and the apocalyptic hurricane that struck Alabama in 2050. Looking at the internal mechanism of TVA, it seems that it is also occurring outside the timeline itself. 

 This is an MCU game changer, so place it here. Everything before that point was pre-determined by the villains of the series: TVA-or more specifically "the remaining he" aka Kang. All previous films brought the MCU closer to  reality and prevented multifaceted wars, but  left Kang with all the reality. 

 Therefore, from this point onwards, all movies and series occur because the TVA isn't there to get things right again, blurring the boundaries between the universes.

What If...? (2022 - Disney+ animated TV show)

What if...? This is the first anime series set on the MCU. It starred Jeffrey Wright as the Guardian, a powerful god who monitors all the events happening in the many different universes that make up the MCU. 
 In each episode, Wright talks about a question from the MCU. For example, the title of Episode 1 is  "What if Captain Carter was the first avenger?" The episode that answers this question must be seen before Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.

Wanda Vision (2021 - Disney+ TV show)

Elizabeth Olsen's Wanda Maximov was one of the most tragic characters on the MCU. She lost her family in a bomb attack and was stuck in a pile of rubble  with her  brother for days. Later, her brother died during the  Avengers: Age of Ultron event. 

 She eventually found her love in Paul Bettany's vision, but was forced to kill him to prevent Thanos from getting  the Mindstone. Oh, and after Thanos killed him, he reversed the time and killed Vision again in front of her. All of this  led  to Wandavision, the first live-action MCU show at Disney +. In this show, characters will take over the small town of New Jersey and make their lives happier.
 Wandavision is the closest to the end game of all  Marvel content in Phase 4, as it starts shortly after Wanda returns from the snap.

Spiderman: Far From Home (2019)

Far From Home is Marvel's final Phase 3 movie, and when you see everyone  snapped to Thanos come back to life five years later, it acts as the first look of an MCU after the Infinity War. The newly captured Peter Parker sets out on an excursion to Europe, but is amazed by Nick Fury and Jake Gyllenhaal's Mysterio, who need his help against an enemy called the Elemental.  

 The movie takes place about six months after the Avengers brought back everyone captured by Endgame.

The Falcon and The Winter Solider (2021 - Disney+ TV show)

The second installment of Marvel's Disney + series, which premiered in March 2021. Among them, Anthony Mackie's Sam Wilson (also known as The Falcon) and Sebastian Stan's Bucky Barnes (also known as Winter Soldier) have joined forces to become known as Flag-Smasher, the serum of some supersoldiers. Face new threats in the form of an organization. I got something like turning my ex-boyfriend Steve Rogers into Captain America.
 As if that weren't enough, the couple must also fight the government's carefully selected decision to wear the cap shield John Walker (Wyatt Russell).

 This series is known to be set 6 months after the snap, so place it in front of Spider-Man: Far From Home. This will place it on the MCU around the spring of 2024. Far From Home will take place just a short time later, in line with the end of Peter's school year in 2024. 

Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings (2021)

Shang-Chi and  Legend of the Ten Rings will be held around April 2024 (MCU time) and will be returned to the MCU timeline before Spider-Man: Far From Home. Simu Liu is starring as the title character who must play Mandarin, played by Hong Kong movie superstar Tony Leung Chiuwai. 

 Hardcore Marvel fans also recognize the return of Ben Kingsley,  who played the role of  fake Mandarin in Iron Man 3. This time I made a real deal and made a  friendly face on the way.

Eternals (2021)

This Marvel movie actually gives you the earliest glimpse of the MCU's timeline, but you can see the Eternals created by  Celestial  to protect humans from the evil beings known as Deviants. .. The main part of the movie takes place four months (or if Shan plays Qi) to one year (Spider-Man: Noway Home) from Blip. 

 The film is directed by the recently awarded Academy Award-winning Chloe Zhao and starring Angelina Jolie, Selmahaeck and Richard Madden. The three  are super-powerful beings who have  secretly protected humanity for thousands of years.

Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)

Tom Holland is back as Peter Parker for his latest adventures as Spider-Man. 
 The film begins where the last Spider-Man film was interrupted as Peter was framed for killing Mysterio and his identity was revealed to the  world. The resulting mass repulsion has widespread consequences that hurt those closest to Peter Parker, hoping that the wizard will  make sure no one remembers him as Spider-Man, doctoring him.・ Lead to strange. The 
 MCU version of the movie will initially be shown in the summer of 2024, but the main plot of the movie will take place after Halloween in 2024,  exactly one year after  Blip. 

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022 - movie)

There is no crazy multiverse and weird Doctor Strange Home. Directed by Sam Raimi (who directed the first Spider-Man trilogy with Tobey Maguire), it turns out that Benedict Cumberbatch has returned to a strange role, but recently  Spider-Man: Noway Home he is no longer The best I learned not to be a wizard. 

This movie, which features the place where the Strange was last seen, helps Spider-Man repair a hole in the sky by casting a spell that makes you forget everything. This spell seems to have had fairly widespread consequences, with the arrival of another multiverse being soon. This encourages Doctor Strange to seek the help of Wanda Maximov before embarking on  one of the darkest stories in the MCU, a multiverse adventure.

Hawkeye (2021 - Disney+ TV show)

Hawkeye sees  Jeremy Renner's Hawkeye, also known as Clint Burton, returning with Kate Bishop (played by Hailee Steinfeld) who is trying to imitate the Avengers and  emulate bow and arrow skills. I'm watching it. Renner's Hawkeye is on vacation with her family in New York City. Kate Bishop came across Hawkeye's costume because he was Ronin, who neglected murderous vigilance during the snap.
 Bishop  is seen in costume fighting the villain who draws Hawkeye to her and all  the villains who are eager to take revenge on her ronin. So the bishop and Burton were forced to reluctantly join forces to hide her time as Hawkeye's Ronin forever.

 The Christmas setting means that the series of events will take place in the MCU version in December 2024, or about 14 months after Blip.

Moon Knight (2022 - Disney+ TV show)

Moon Knight, available at Disney +, will star Oscar Isaac as Stephen Grant, who suffers from dissociative identity disorder. He learned that he had another life as a mercenary named Mark Specter. Mohamed Diab oversees the series and Ethan Hawke makes his MCU debut as Arthur Harrow. 

 There are interesting MCU references in various episodes. This includes references to the Global Repatriation Council appearing in the Falcon and  Winter Solider. However, Disney + MCU orders place Moon Knight after the Hawkeye series and place it in the 2025 MCU version.

Ms. Marvel (2022)

Iman Vellani plays Kamala Khan, a Pakistani-American teenager who is crazy about the Avengers, especially Captain Marvel. When she completes the Avenger-Con (I think Comic-Con, but in the case of  the MCU) costume, she adds the finish of an old family heirloom bracelet that imbues her with the same power as her favorite Avenger... 

 After three episodes, it's currently unclear exactly where  Marvel is on the MCU timeline compared to other current MCU products, but the Disney + timeline is now at the end of the watchlist...

Thor love and Thunder (2022)

Thor embarks on a journey unlike anything he's ever faced -- a quest for inner peace. However, his retirement gets interrupted by Gorr the God Butcher, a galactic killer who seeks the extinction of the gods.

What's next in the MCU?

Of course, the Marvel Cinematic Universe doesn't end with Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. In June, Ms. Marvel arrives at Disney +, the television series  that follows Hawkeye, and fights to adapt until the Avengers fangirl Kamala Khan, especially Carol Danvers / Captain Marvel,  gains her strength and Ms. Marvel...
After Ms. Marvel, Thor's next article, due out worldwide in July, will return to a more familiar area. Chris Hemsworth will return as the god of thunder in his fourth Thor movie, but this time he is not the only one. He shares Mjolnir with his previous love  Jane Foster, played by Natalie Portman.

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